Our team is comitted to assist users in leveraging the power of higher-order network analytics. A short tutorial that walks you through the setup of pathpy
, and which introduces some fundamental concepts is available here. In addition, we regularly offer talks, lectures, demonstrations, and tutorials that introduce higher-order network analytics with pathpy
. Below we collect information on those events, which often include publicly available educational material and video recordings.
Are you interest in hosting a lecture or tutorial on pathpy
in your institution? Or are you using pathpy
to teach (higher-order) network analytics? We would be excited to hear from you!
On September 8, we gave a two-hour lecture on higher-order models of temporal networks at the 5th International Summer School on Data Science (SSDS 2020), held virtually in Split, Croatia. The lecture was followed by a hands-on tutorial on pathpy taught by Vincenzo Perri. The material is available here
Between September 2 - 4 2019 we will give a half-day hands-on tutorial on dynamic social network analysis with pathpy
at the European Symposium on Computational Social Science in Zurich, Switzerland. Please stay stuned, as we prepare the tutorial material.
At the first pathy user meeting, held at ETH Zürich on June 17th 2019, we gave an overview of some of pathpy's latest feature additions. The code that I presented can be found here.
In the spring semester 2019, Frank Schweitzer teaches a lecture on Complex Networks. Through assignment sheets and exercises, students are introduced to the modelling of complex networks with pathpy
In the fall semester 2018, Ingo Scholtes offered a series of 12 lectures on Statistical Network Analysis. In the accompanying exercises, students will get an introduction to graph analytics with pathpy
In September 2018, Ingo Scholtes gave a half-day tutorial on higher-order network analytics with pathpy
at the Complexity Science Hub in Vienna, Austria. All material of this tutorial - including slides, data, assignments, and solutions to live coding sessions - is available online.
In August 2018, we will give a full-day hands-on tutorial on Mining Time Series Data with Higher-order Network Models at the flagship data science conference KDD'19 in London, UK. The first half of the tutorial introduces higher-order network analysis with pathpy
. The second half of the tutorial covers higher-order clustering with the flow compression algorithm InfoMap. All material - including slides, data, assignments, and solutions to live coding sessions - is available online.
In April 2018, Ingo Scholtes gave a lecture on optimal higher-order network models at the symposium on Networks, Time and Causality at ETH Zürich. A video recording of the symposium is available below.
In November 2017, Ingo Scholtes gave a lecture on multi-order network analysis at the Network Science Institute of Northeastern University in Boston, MA, USA. A video recording of the lecture is available below.